Posts in My Podcast
How to Make Quality Videos Every Month Even When You Have Day Job (ft. Satchell Drakes)

In this episode I chat with Satchell Drakes, who runs a YouTube channel with some of the highest quality videos in the video gaming niche. I talk with him about his process of creating videos, what has helped his channel grow, and what he recommends for someone that isn't getting the traction they want out of their videos.


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How to Get a Vimeo Staff Pick (ft. Levi Allen)

Today's episode brings you Levi Allen, a filmmaker out of British Columbia and Founder of Left Coast Media. Levi's most recent film 'Untethered' was featured as a Vimeo Staff Pick in December 2015.
In this episode Levi discusses how he started out making films, the importance of not letting gear stand in the way of creation, why he decided to begin vlogging, the story behind the making of Untethered and why he decided to release his film for free.

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How to Get 150,000 YouTube Subscribers in 1 Year (ft. Thomas Frank)

One of my favorite parts of being friends with entrepreneurs is seeing how far they progress in just a year. 

In this podcast episode I chat with Thomas Frank, a four-time guest on the show, to talk with him about how he has grown his YouTube channel to over 166,000 subscribers and almost 5,000,000 views by making weekly videos for just over a year.

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How to Enter a Crowded YouTube Niche (ft. Dave Dugdale)

Dave Dugdale has been sharing his filmmaking journey on YouTube since he first got a Canon T2i in 2010. I stumbled across his videos a few years ago when I first bought a DSLR and was trying to figure out what camera settings to use.

In today's podcast episode I chat with Dave about how he transitioned from making videos about real estate to drive search traffic into teaching video production and making videos for a living instead.

We discuss why you might want to use a mirrorless camera like a Sony A7 series or Panasonic GH4 instead of a DSLR from Canon, give advice for making videos in a crowded niche, and why having a regimented release schedule for your videos might not be the best way to go.

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Is Consistent or Quality Content More Important?

Should you put a lot of effort into trying to make something perfect, even if that means you can only create videos irregularly? Or should you have a schedule and stick to it, even if you are releasing sub-par content?

In today's episode we debate consistancy vs. quality and which you should strive for most. 

We also discuss how you can go about achieving both, if you should even attempt to do that, and how the types of content you make may decide it for you.

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Is Live Streaming Video a Fad or Here to Stay?

Live streaming video is all the rage. Periscope, Meerkat, Blab and YouTube Live are just a few of the platforms that people now use to live broadcast video after just a couple seconds of set-up. 

In this episode we ask: is live streaming video just a fad? We chat with five guests, add our two cents, and as you can imagine, we don't all agree.
We also discuss ways to make your live broadcasts better, why you may want to incorporate live streaming into your business, and what we see as best way to use live streaming (even if your audience is tiny).

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What is The Future of Online Video?

Online video is a recent invention. YouTube has only been around for a decade. Shifting trends come rapidly, so staying ahead or at least keeping an eye out is important for anyone looking to succeed. 

In this podcast episode we speak with five video creators about what they think the future of video has in store in regards to attention spans, platforms, technology, and what to look out for.

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Get Over the Fear of Being on Video

For most of us, the idea of getting in front of the camera causes a certain level of unease or even fear. The good news is you can not only get past this fear, but actually develop a liking for being on video. 
In this episode we hear from five entrepreneurs who have overcome the fear of being on camera and in some cases, have become prolific YouTubers. 
We discuss why you are basically born afraid of the camera, how to overcome that fear, and give you some quick tips to help you along your way. 

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Creative Distance

When I had a desk job it was easy relax. I would come home, enjoy the weekend, or go on vacation without even thinking about work at all until I was pulling into the parking lot at my job.

But when you work for yourself, there are always tasks to do and when you work from anywhere, you can always be getting them done.

In this episode I talk about creative distance and how to remove properly yourself from your work. 

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