Creative Distance


When I had a desk job it was easy relax. I would come home, enjoy the weekend, or go on vacation without even thinking about work at all until I was pulling into the parking lot at my job.

But when you work for yourself, there are always tasks to do and when you work from anywhere, you can always be getting them done.

At first I struggled with being able to relax after I started trying to build an online business. I even quit playing video games a couple years ago, which was how I could best completely check out mentally for an entire evening.

But now, instead of escaping into video games even if I'm not "working", my businesses are always on my mind. 

So how do you escape from your work when you want to take some time off? And how can you come back fully recharged, with a ton of energy, new skills, and ideas for when you return?

In this episode I talk about creative distance and how to remove properly yourself from your work. 

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