SwitchPod FAQ — Gorillapod Alternative for Vloggers

Since last month's SwitchPod announcement video after VidCon we've been working hard behind the scenes on finishing up the design and prototyping for our new tripod for vloggers.

Today I want to give a little update on the timeline of when it is going to come out, how much it will cost, and a bunch more of the frequently asked questions we've been getting.

Will there be two sizes?

Most likely yes! We just put in a request to manufacture the smaller sized version, perfect for smaller cameras like point and shoots, GoPro's, and smaller DSLRs.

What's taking so long???

We're working with the Prouduct team to finalize some of the last minute design changes (like adding magnets back into the legs, improving the rubber feet, and making the tightening knob easier to use).

The other thing that is taking a while is figuring out the perfect material to make these out of. Aluminum would be really expensive to mass manufacture and the other material we tried wasn't strong enough. We need a material that can be injection molded.

Where can I sign-up to be notified when you launch?

Just go to switchpod.co and enter your email. I'll keep you in the loop.

Will it come with a ball head?

When we showed it to Casey Neistat, he said wouldn't need one, but we're potentially working on a brand new concept for a ball head so you can use it with just one hand or an option for at the least tilting it up and down.

The great thing about it right now though is you can screw on any ball head or quick release plate that you already own directly onto the top of the SwitchPod, so we may just launch our crowdfunding campaign without it.

And, even if you aren't using anything on top of it, the tightening screw let's you make sure your camera is perfectly facing the direction you want it to.

What color will it be?

We made three different colored prototypes. Space Grey, Matte Black, and a YouTube Red one. Almost everyone we talked to said they would want a black one though since you already stand out enough as it is when vlogging, so to start we'll probably only offer it in black.

How much does it weigh?

TBD, the space grey one I've been testing the most is made of aluminum and weighs only a half a pound. The final one should weigh about the same.

How much weight will it hold?

Plenty. We have put a Canon 1DC on it no problem. Should hold over 8 pounds.

How much will it cost?

Haven't finalized pricing yet, but probably between $50 and $125 depending on which size you get. It will depend on how much it costs us per unit.

When and how can I get one?

We'll be crowdfunding it later this year to help us pay for the molds that need to be made and to manufacture a bunch of these. That campaign will also help pay us back for the five figures plus that we've put into developing this thing.

We are working to try to ship them by the end of 2018 or early 2019. Go to switchpod.co to get notified when the campaign is live and when we start selling them.

Thanks so much for all the support and kind words after the announcement.

It definitely keeps us motivated to keep working on this thing to get it launched and into your arms.

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