In this episode I talk with Thomas Frank, a full-time YouTuber, about what it is like to run a channel with millions of subscribers, work with sponsors, grow a team, and what goes on behind the scenes of planning, filming, editing, and sharing a YouTube video.
Read MoreIn this episode I talk with Jason Zook, one of the most creative entrepreneurs I’ve ever met.
Read MoreIn this episode I talk with Ben Sullins of Teslanomics about how he approaches covering Tesla and sustainable technology news using his years of experience as a data scientist.
Read MoreIn this conversation with Sean McCabe we discuss starting a physical or digital product business, what to do when you feel stuck, why you need to be making content online, how to pre-sell a new product, avoiding scarcity mindset, and why Sean is taking a full year sabbatical.
Read MoreLately I've been hearing a lot of questions from beginners and the thing is… they aren’t the right questions to ask. They're getting stuck on the next step. They’re getting in their own way. Here’s what I mean.
Read MoreIn this episode I talk in detail about that process and the changes I have made over the years. I cover all the phases of a project from the initial onboarding period to the actual shoot day and all the way through post production.
Read MoreIn this podcast episode I talk with my wife Jen Wojcik about how she built and scaled her wedding photography business into a full-time job over the course of 6 years after moving to a new city and not having photographed a wedding ever before.
Read MoreIn this podcast episode I share 17 lessons I’ve learned from launching and growing SwitchPod over the past 3 years that you can apply to the projects and businesses that you’re building.
Read MoreThis episode is a quick update about what to expect from me in 2020. I’ll talk about my YouTube channel, my podcast, and my training courses.
Read MoreThis episode is a little different in that I don't interview anyone, but I tell my story.
Read MoreIn this episode talk about transitioning from full time freelancer to full time YouTuber, what it’s like to run a channel focused on reviews.
Read MoreIn this episode I talk with Kitty Peters who runs Atola Visuals, a filmmaking company focusing on client work, as well as a YouTube Channel with the same name, where she features filmmaking gear and tutorials.
Read MoreLevi Allen is an adventure filmmaker. In this episode we talk about how his short film Untethered got a Vimeo staff pick, which lead to the film being distributed internationally, but then how he fought back for the rights to have it free and public again.
Read MorePat Flynn helped me co-invent and create SwitchPod over the past 15 months before we launched it on Kickstarter.
At the time of recording this episode, a couple days into the campaign, we had already doubled our goal and raised over $227,000 to make thousands of SwitchPods for our backers.
Read MoreHave you ever seen the videos where a handful of stars from movies or television (like directors, cinematographers, actresses, etc.) sit and chat in a roundtable format with The Hollywood Reporter?
They have deep conversations and share things you don't hear in the quick press junket interviews they normally give. They last about an hour. I love them.
Anyways, I've always wanted to host and re-create my own version of that and I finally did it.
Read MoreI am excited to announce that we are launching our new course, Learn Final Cut Pro X, next Tuesday, May 31st! During the launch week we'll be releasing five free lessons from the course too, right here on the blog and on YouTube.
To gear up for the launch and show how FCPX shouldn't be intimidating, I will be hosting a live workshop on Friday, May 27th at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific. I will go over editing a quick video from start to finish inside Final Cut Pro X, talk workflow, share an overview of using the software, and answer any of your questions.
Read MoreIn this episode I share why I am putting this podcast on hold to focus on creating more video content for YouTube. I talk about doubling down, simplifying, following what is working, and how video is the best format for most of what I want to share & create.
Read MoreIn this episode I share what some of my favorite podcasts for filmmakers, YouTubers, and freelancers are.
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