What’s Next for DIY Video Guy
Today is my first day of being fully self-employed. I’ve officially stepped down from working at Fizzle.
I’m putting all my time and effort now into building this site and my video production company, Caleb Wojcik Films. I’ve already started taking on clients and doing video shoots with some of clients I’ve specifically targeted to work with, but now I’m ready and able to put a lot more effort into DIY Video Guy.
In this post I’ll lay out what some of my upcoming plans for this site are and what you can expect to see from me here over the next couple months.
I do this not only to get my thoughts down, but as a form of accountability as well. If you want to make sure you do something, put a date on it and tell as many people as you can.
A New Audio Podcast
I’m pretty stoked about this one. When I started getting serious about learning about video production, three years ago, I had to pull information from sites all over the web. Watch a video tutorial here, read a gear review there, or go to an in-person all day workshop.
The hardest part wasn’t just trying to learn everything, it was how scattered and unorganized the process of doing so was. Especially picking up the basics at first. I wasn’t progressing through everything in a logical order. I needed one piece of knowledge to build on the previous all the way until I knew what I needed to know to make the kind of videos I wanted to make.
And that’s what I’m going to create.
Shortly, I’ll be launching two shows. First, an audio podcast. In it, I’ll do solo shows where I’ll cover the why and what behind making videos. Episodes on what videos you should make, why to host them different places, what gear is worth investing in, or why you should make a video instead of writing or podcasting.
I’ll also bring on people that are using videos in interesting, creative, and profitable ways on places like YouTube, Vine, Instagram, or elsewhere. You’ll hear what’s working now with video online and how they can consistently create their videos.
All episodes will then have extensive show notes, with images, videos, and downloadable guides for the more technical things discussed. Episodes will come out twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays.
I’ve already planned out much of the episode schedule for the rest of this year and am now ready to start recording the first batch of them. Be on the lookout for a five episode launch week of the audio podcast on October 20th.
A New Video Show
Since I’ll be talking about video, it wouldn’t make sense to just blog or podcast about it, right?
I’ll also be regularly producing videos for what I’m internally calling DIY Video Guy TV. If the podcast is the what and the why, the video show will be the how. Things like how to properly do lighting, side-by-side gear comparisons, editing tips, and more.
I’ll show you behind the scenes of producing videos for clients and share every piece of equipment and software I use to do so.
You’ll be able to watch the video show, every Wednesday, through both YouTube and iTunes starting November 5th.
I’ve already compiled nearly two hundred episode ideas for the upcoming audio podcast and video show, but if you have any ideas for things to cover, please let me know in the comments below this post. I’d love to hear them.
DIY Video Guide Version 2.0
Both of the above shows will be 100% free. I’ll never charge for them.
That being said, I’m building the DIY Video Guide into what I consider to be the quickest path for anyone trying to go from zero to sixty with learning video production.
I’ll be re-launching it with version 2.0 on November 18th.
I’ll be adding chapters and sections to the book based on conversations with and follow-up questions from previous customers. I’ll also be creating more video tutorials on things like YouTube, Wistia and Vine as well as sharing case studies from people that have been through the course and have upped their video game.
They’ll be more ways for you to easily consume the video parts of the course on the go as well.
And if you get the guide now, updates are free for life, so there is no reason to wait to pick it up. You can always upgrade to other tiers at any time too.
My overall goal for this site, my newsletter, and my other various publishing channels (like YouTube and Vine) is to show you everything I’ve learned making videos over the past few years. It took me way too long to pull everything I know together and I want to streamline the process for you to do the same.
I’m doing this because I want you to be making more, and better, videos faster than you are doing so now. I want to see videos from you consistently being planned, shot, edited, and published. And I want to see these videos bringing you closer to your goals of reach, awareness, and making a living.
I believe in the power of video. I’ve seen what it can do for individuals and businesses that harness that power. And I want to help you believe in it too.
Thanks to anyone that’s been along for my online journey over the past (nearly) four years. First from blogging about personal finance, to teaching entrepreneurs at Think Traffic and Fizzle, and now with going all-in on this site and my video production studio. I appreciate you encouraging me along the way.
Here’s to taking a few risks, turning pro on what you do, publicly sharing your plans with the world before their quite ready to share, and delivering on your promises.
Caleb Wojcik
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