Audio Technica ATH M30X vs. Sony MDR-7506 Comparison
I’ll assume you are here because you are looking into buying a pair, maybe your first pair of professional monitoring headphones and you don’t know which ones to get. By now you know why you need them and what they are all about. But how do they stack up against each other?!
Well you’re in luck. In this video we review the two best budget options for monitoring headphones, the Sony MDR-7506 and the Audio Technica ATH-M30X. Both of these headphones will serve you well. They are in the same price range and both include a leather pouch and adapter. Perhaps the biggest difference is the cord, straight vs coiled.
So how do you choose? Watch the video and find out.
You can also watch this video on YouTube.
Check out the MDR-7506's on Amazon or B&H
Check out the M30X's on Amazon or B&H.
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