9 Ways to Overcome Video Editor's Block (DVG 037)

So you're working on editing a video, but you're stuck. You keep finding other things to work on when really you should just be pushing through to finish what you've already started. You don't know what's holding you up and the video isn't what you want it to be, so you just keep putting it off.

In today's episode of the podcast we discuss Video Editor's Block and how to overcome it. We lay out 9 different things you can do when you feel like you hit a wall on the videos you're editing. 

Hopefully listening to this episode will get you back on track and have you releasing your in-progress videos much, much sooner.

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All 9 Editor's Block Tips:

1. List out each step of the process.
2. Break the video down into smaller chunks (and don't zoom out).
3. If you're stuck on something technical, learn it quickly or leave a marker to come back to it.
4. Play around with the footage and blooper clips a bit.
5. Go to sleep or step away from the project for a full day.
6. Take a short break and get some exercise.
7. Focus on just the video track or audio track.
8. Hand the video off to someone else for feedback.
9. Switch projects you're working on or change to a different type of media.