10 Things to Know Before Hiring a Video Editor (DVG 030)

Whether you don’t like to edit video, you’ve shot so much you don’t have time to get through it, or you’re just trying to outsource and focus on what you do best, hiring a video editor might be just the thing you need to consistently create and ship videos.

In today’s episode I talk with my video editor, Tim Krupa, about ten things you should consider before hiring a video editor.

We talk about the best ways to communicate before production about scripting and b-roll, what to expect in regards to contracts and payments, what web apps we use for video revisions with clients, and more.

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The 10 Things

  1. Know & share what you want created from your editor
  2. Communicate & agree upon a file management workflow
  3. Have one point of contact with the editor
  4. Know and share the timeline of the project when you first speak to the editor
  5. If you expect the editor to work specific hours & days, say so
  6. Understand they are working with pre-existing material they did not create
  7. Look through their portfolio to ensure your creative styles match
  8. You get what you pay for
  9. Work with contracts that you both sign
  10. Be aware you may need more than one editor

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